Rule #2: Make as much as you’re able

Making as much as you’re able increases the amount of money you’re able to invest in the near-term, allowing you to generate passive income more quickly, in turn accelerating your journey to Agency.

While engaged in the employment-for-money paradigm, there are a number of immediate steps we can take to increase the amount of money we make. These include actions as simple as actively changing employers in pursuit of a higher salary, requesting raises from current employers, and diversifying and amplifying our income streams by working for multiple employers.

These first-order methods should be combined with longer-term initiatives.

Through the accumulation of career capital (useful skills and documented achievements), we can charge more for our increasingly rare and specialized abilities, and given sufficient skills and negotiation prowess, we may even break the link between time and money permanently — being paid on the basis of our outcomes rather than our efforts, and thereby creating scalable income streams.

The invocation to “make as much as you’re able” should not be confused with simply working more — rather than sacrifice additional hours to the pursuit of wealth, we are looking to maximize the amount of money we make for the fixed amount of time we’ve allotted to work.

The act of maximizing pay is a high-leverage skill (and an art unto itself) yet most people do not pay it adequate attention. When you consciously choose to make as much as you’re able, you’ll shorten the journey to Optimal Agency considerably.

Make as much as you’re able.



Rule #1: Separate your time from your income


Rule #3: Spend much less than you make