What we regret

Take Action:

Understand the psychology of regret.

Why It Matters:

When you understand what people regret most, you can conduct your days accordingly — making important decisions with an eye toward maximizing future life satisfaction.

How To Do It:

  1. Action. We tend to regret the things we don’t do more than the things we do — especially when we have lots of opportunity. If you’re on the fence about trying a new path, hobby, or venture, you’ll almost always be happier with action than inaction.

  2. Aspiration. We regret failure to meet our goals and aspirations more than the failure to meet our duties and responsibilities. If forced to choose between pursuing your dreams or fulfilling your obligations, choose your dreams.

  3. Commitment. Contrary to our instincts, we regret choices most when we perceive them as reversible. If you want enduring satisfaction with your decisions, the best course may be to commit fully and burn the boats

  4. Care. There are certain decisions that demand increased vigilance — choices in areas where we have the most potential for regret. The top six domains where people express regret? Education, career, romance, parenting, the self, and leisure. Take care to make the most of your opportunities in these domains.

Explore More:

Listen: O.A. Podcast Episode #45, where Patrick and I discuss one of life’s biggest questions — will you regret (not) having kids? (YouTube / Audio)

Read: Risk and Regret by Morgan Housel


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